Portfolio Autodesk 2012 for 3D Design

Diposkan oleh agus ariefandy syuhada on Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Here are some of Autodesk's portfolio in 2012 for 3D design, engineering and entertainment software and expand the circuit design.

The series of new products that will facilitate customers in various industries to adopt and use a wider variety of software to design a comprehensive and sophisticated from Autodesk. This product suite will be available in a package that is easy to use with a variety of capabilities that brings together complementary products compatible for entertainment, building, infrastructure, design and visual products, when used together, helping to manage data, workflow and processes.

"New Family of package design and creation Autodesk continue our goal to democratize the design and creativity. This software package contains a complete set of tools that work together to help our customers imagine, design and create products in the world, building, infrastructure and blockbuster movies, "said president and chief executive officer of Autodesk, Carl Bass, in his statement on Wednesday (13/04/2011).

Package design and creation Autodesk offers greater access to powerful design tools for industry in the package that is easy to use and more profitable and easily installed, deployed and managed as compared to individual products. This series also facilitate standardization of the various sections in a series that provides greater flexibility to innovate and more easily respond to changing business needs.
In addition, this series could make it easier for customers to explore new products and technologies as well as providing a consistent user experience. This will make it easier for customers to learn and work with some devices Autodesk.

Package Design 2012 Autodesk includes Autodesk Design Suite 2012 combines the power and flexibility of AutoCAD software sketch software with an intuitive, conceptual design, presentation, and visualization solutions that architects and product designers can create an attractive design, to share data seamlessly in all phases of design and
create visual communication as an important part in the design process. The basis of the Autodesk Design Suite is the software AutoCAD 2012, which has been updated with new and expanded workflow for conceptual design, model documentation and capture the reality.

There was also a Autodesk Product Design Suite 2012 is a new design solutions, complete, and efficient to create an attractive product. The series featured authoring design software, visualization, and simulation for Autodesk's leading producers, including software Autodesk Inventor 2012, with the debut of powerful new features for sustainable product design.

Do not miss Autodesk Building Design Suite 2012 and Autodesk Infrastructure Design Suite 2012 offers a complete set of tools to help answer the workflow needs of architects, engineers and planners, ranging from project design, visualization and simulation to documentation and construction. Autodesk Building Design Suite 2012 Revit product displays, offering a new collaboration and capital construction equipment and supports point clouds of laser scanning for connecting directly to the BIM modeling process. Infrastructure Design Suite Autodesk AutoCAD Civil 3D display 2012, which helped design the speed of transportation by highway modeling tools and add an integrated storm and sanitation network analysis capabilities by taking full advantage of the civilian model.

Creation Entertainment's latest Autodesk Suite is also developed to extend workflow Autodesk 3ds Max or Autodesk Maya with intuitive tools to sculpt and give texture painting, animation and effects in real-time character.
3ds Max 2012 provides new integrated graphics core, mRigids for rigid-body dynamic simulation in the viewport and gouge, and the addition of paintings.
Maya 2012 gives additions to the viewport and offers full-screen effects, traces of movement that can be edited for editing animation in the viewport and the choices of new simulation.

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